June 16, 2013

ARTS - opinion


Today I would like to talk about the arts in Spain because they are absolutely one zero in Spain.
Why?? I don´t but  this year the president of Spain, Rajoy would like to take off the performing arts high school, the students have done a lot of manifestations not in favor of this proposal.
Well a part of that the president and his members of the govern don´t do nothing for think about if that proposal were a correct decision but goodness that they didn´t have the enough money for continuous his plan.
I don´t understand how a government that is supposed to represent their citizens not listens to the people, it´s sad to see that…
Well another bad thing that I´m disagree with that is the privatization of the theater Talia.
The theater now don´t receives any help from part of the la GeneralitatValenciana and is obligated to be a place private and more expensive.
I went to the manifestation not to a favor of the privatization of this amazing and nice theater butas always they ignore us.
Well I think that we have to continuous and we couldn´t change the people but we can change ourselves.

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